Privacy Notice

At Transolution we believe the privacy of the visitors to our website, our customers, our employees as well as our translators and other subcontractors is very important. Therefore, we handle all personal data in a confidential manner and in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

You will find a description of why we collect your personal data, how we process your data and of your rights in respect of this data below.

Legal basis, purposes of data processing and processing methods

We process your personal data to provide you with information, quotations or price estimates for our translation and/or related services, and/or to conclude and perform agreements with respect to translation and/or related services, as well as to manage the relationships and partnerships they establish.
When you complete a contact or quotation form on our website, if you submit files to us or if you send us an email, we will always treat the data you provide confidentially. We will only keep your data for as long as necessary to handle and complete your requests/assignments and for a reasonable period after your last contact with our services to ensure we can quickly support you in the case of follow-up assignments, or for as long as permitted by law.
We will not transfer your data to third parties, except as required for the performance of the requested or purchased services. For translation services, we will only transfer the data that is required for carrying out the translation services by our translators, reviewers, copywriters, quality experts, etc. to subcontractors.
We will also store your data in systems provided by third parties in the form of so-called SaaS solutions. In this context, your data may be stored both within and outside of the European Union, but only if the relevant third parties can demonstrate compliance with the requirements imposed by the General Data Protection Regulation and with our own strict confidentiality standards. Such third parties may include CRM, project management, translation and payment processing providers. As soon as the legal retention period for personal data has elapsed, and the data is no longer required for performing our services, we will destroy the data.


Our website uses cookies. Cookies are text files that are stored in the internet browser or that are stored by the internet browser on the user’s computer system. If a user retrieves a website, a cookie can be stored in the user’s operating system. This cookie contains a sequence of characters that enable a definitive identification of the browser upon repeated retrieval of the website.

We use cookies to make our website more user friendly. Some elements of our website require that the retrieving browser can also be identified after a different page is called up.

We differentiate between the following cookies for the use of our website:

Necessary cookies

These cookies are necessary to operate the website and temporarily store session data so that the page is displayed correctly.

Performance cookies

We use performance cookies so that we can improve the technical performance such as loading speed and image buildup.

Functional cookies

These cookies are used by our applications to cache the entered data and thereby assure functionality and customer friendliness.

Advertising cookies

We use advertising cookies to check the success of our marketing activities.

Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies are cookies, which are set by a person who is in fact responsible for the processing but who is a different person than the operator of the website that is visited by the user.

We use third-party cookies, e.g. to link our page with LinkedIn and Twitter and to provide our users the opportunity to share something directly via LinkedIn or Twitter.

Furthermore, we use Google Analytics, an advertising analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google“). Google uses cookies. The information generated by the cookie about the use of the online offer by the users is generally transmitted to and saved on a server of Google in the USA.

Google will use this information on our behalf to analyse the use of our online offer by the users, to compile reports about the activities within this online offer, and to perform further services for us that are related to this online offer and the internet use. In the process, pseudonymised user profiles of the users can be created from the processed data.

We use Google Analytics only with activated IP anonymisation. This means, the users’ IP addresses will be truncated by Google within the Member States of the European Union or in other signatory states of the Treaty on the European Economic Zone. The complete IP address will only be transmitted in exceptional cases to a server of Google in the USA and it will be truncated there. The IP address transmitted from the user’s browser will not be combined with other data of Google.

Furthermore, the users can prevent the storing of cookies by a corresponding setting of their browser software; the users can moreover prevent the gathering of the data generated by the cookie that is to be forwarded to Google and relates to their use of the online offer, as well as the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link:

More information about data use by Google for advertising purposes, options for settings and objections can be found on Google’s websites: (“Use of data by Google when you use websites or apps of our partners), (“Use of data for advertising purposes”), (“Managing information that is used by Google to display advertising to you”) and (“You decide which advertising Google shows you”).

Your rights in respect of your data

You always have the right to access the personal data we have collected about you, and you may always request to correct them in our database.
In addition, you can also request the deletion of your data from our database, and we will honour such a request within a reasonable period, provided that the deletion of your data is permitted by law.
To exercise your rights in respect of your personal data, please send a written request by email to We will do our very best to handle your request within a reasonable period.

Changes to the privacy statement

Transolution reserves the right to change is privacy statement as required by changing rules and regulations or in the context of our services.

Data privacy complaints

If you have a complaint with respect to the processing of your personal data, we urge you to contact the data controller as soon as possible using the contact details mentioned at the bottom of this privacy statement. We will do our very best to handle any complaints within a reasonable period
If you should find your complaints is not handled in a satisfactory manner, you can contact the Commission for the Protection of Privacy, Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel.

Data controller

The data controller for the personal data we collect is:

Transolution BV

Interleuvenlaan 62

3001 Heverlee

Legal Translations

For legal translations, accuracy is very important. An incorrect translation in an official contract may have serious consequences. It is also important that your translation is performed quickly and immediately serves its intended purpose, so you do not waste any time on language issues.

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Certified Translations

Documents you are submitting to official institutions sometimes require more than regular translation.

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We required an urgent translation of exhibits in the context of international arbitration proceedings. Transolution managed to translate a 30-page document in a few days and our client was very happy about the quality of their work.



Transolution adapts TV commercials and other advertising materials for our company on a regular basis. Their work is always a positive surprise and supports us in marketing our products across our different markets.


Advertising Director

More Translation Services

We're your partner for reliable quality-driven translations

Transcreation of marketing texts

Transolution specializes in translating and (re)writing your marketing texts. We can adapt existing texts to maximize their impact, and ensure they have the same effect in other languages.

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Translations for Lawyers and Attorneys

Legal practice is becoming increasingly international. Legal proceedings in different languages are no longer the exception, yet most courts only accept exhibits in the official language of their jurisdiction. It is also important to provide legal assistance to your international clients in different languages.

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Translation of Annual Reports

Your annual report is your company’s business card. It is important that it leaves your (potential) customers, investors, business partners, etc. with a good impression of your company. The annual report is often drawn up in different languages to reach a wider audience.

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Pharmaceutical translations

Transolution's specialized pharmaceutical translators are familiar with the complex procedures for the development, production and distribution of pharmaceuticals.

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Marketing Translations for Conversion

Transolution specializes in translating and (re)writing your marketing texts. We can adapt existing texts to maximize their impact, and ensure they have the same effect in other languages.

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Certified Translations

Documents you are submitting to official institutions sometimes require more than regular translation.

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Legal Translations

For legal translations, accuracy is very important. An incorrect translation in an official contract may have serious consequences. It is also important that your translation is performed quickly and immediately serves its intended purpose, so you do not waste any time on language issues.

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